Last Week My Elderly Father Had An Appointment At The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

By Holly • October 31, 2022

Last week my elderly father had an appointment at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in SA. My dads words were 'my legs just weren't working, so I couldn't walk' a very kind man who was working on a building site nearby asked my dad if he was okay and told him to stay where he was and he ran to the hospital and got my dad a wheelchair so my dads wife could push him to the hospital.

After the appointment a taxi driver drove my dad and his wife to his vehicle (only a kilometre or so up the road) but he wouldn't take any of my dads money and didn't even turn the meter on.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness.

My dad is very much struggling at the moment with his walking due to a tumour on his brain and without your kindness I doubt my father would've made it to or from his appointment safely.


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