One Small Act Of Kindness Towards My 6yo Son. And His Entire WEEK Was Made!

By Tee • October 24, 2022

On a long trip to Brisbane from out west we stopped into a service station in Kilcoy for a bathroom break and some fuel.

Went into the shop to the bathroom first then the counter to pay.

My sons a little eccentric and life loving so as he usually does, he is dancing as he walks twirling his hips and singing to his own moves.

Totally accustomed to his moves now it didn’t cross my mind at all until the young gentleman working the counter commented on his “brilliant dance routine”

He told my son he loved his moves and it made his day to see him come into his shop.

My boy felt so pleased and happy with himself he continued to dance around gently as I paid and thanked the gentleman for his kind comments.

As we went to leave- the gentleman then gave my boy a special treat (a lollipop) for his wonderful attitude.

Absolutely blown away by his kindness.

It may small but to us it wasn’t.

Not many people take the time out of their days to talk to children. He was more then willing and happy to have a chat.

My son felt important and grown up and obviously LOVED his treat.

I also personally really appreciate his kind gesture. As a parent on a long drive with small kids - it is these small acts that will make or break our day. 

Cheers mate. We noticed and appreciated you.


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