A Genuinely Kind Hearted, Amazingly Compassionate And Terrifically Friendly Little Soul
By Ness • June 24, 2022
If you’re reading this and you’re the parent of a little guy named Leo who was playing with his sister in a playground in Main Beach today, then you should know that you are raising a genuinely kind hearted, amazingly compassionate and terrifically friendly little soul!
I have a two and a half year old who, after being the victim of a magpie attack, and being jumped on without warning by some very enthusiastic (but harmless) puppies, is now terrified of birds and dogs. While playing in the park today an ibis snuck up on us, leading her to abandon her fun and run and hide in a tunnel of the playground.
Leo asked her what she was doing and she told him "I’m hiding because I’m scared of birds" - at which point he could’ve just shrugged and walk away. Instead, he got down on her level and explained that, actually, birds are just as scared of her as she is as them. When she still looked sceptical, he jumped up and approached the ibis, triumphantly yelling as it ran away from him, "see! they’re scared too! don’t be afraid!"
He then coaxed her out of the tunnel and, despite her age and inability to answer all his questions fully, proceeded to include her in his and his sister’s games around the play area - including, much to her delight, pushing her around on her push bike.
My daughter was beyond chuffed to have playmates - to the point that when her grandma joined us, she introduced him as "my new best friend Leo!"
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