It's Okay!
By Judith Maduhu • June 19, 2019
It's okay to feel out of place.
It's okay not to be okay.
It's okay to be mood less at times.
It's okay to like a fool at times.
It's okay to be misunderstood.
It's okay to take chances.
It's okay to air out your opinions.
It's okay to feel unwanted, unheard.
It's okay to dream big.
It's okay to fall out of love.
It's okay to let the hurt feelings sink in.
It's okay to cry.
It's okay to feel stupid at times.
It's okay to scream.
It's okay to laugh out loud.
It's okay to be different.
It's okay if you feel your self-esteem is low.
It's all okay.
This is life, it aint permanent, it aint got no formula.
Everything is, but temporary.
One moment we are here and the next we are there.
Be yourself, feel what you feel.
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