Never Give Up: My Dad's Story, From Crack Head To Amazing Father

By Icarus649 • June 19, 2017

When my dad was seventeen, his father passed away and being the youngest of four siblings, without a father figure he got into a lot of bad stuff during the seventies and eighties. Eventually he got addicted to crack for over ten years, he then met my mother in Rehab because she was there supporting one of her good friends.

Eventually I was born and he changed his life around and got a good job, he bought a house and then the market crashed and he had to file bankruptcy in the early 2000's. To top it all off my mother had cheated on him and he and her separated and eventually got a divorce. He then had custody of my sister and I and raised us while working 7-5 5 days a week. He now has a new house and him and I are opening up businesses slowly but succeeding. Never give up!


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