Not Done Yet

By Joseph J. Mazzella • February 7, 2017

Life is full of miracles. They surround us every day. One of these miracles happened to me recently. I was filling my car’s tank at a local gas station. It was only 10 A.M. but I already felt tired. It was a cloudy, gloomy and rainy day and I hadn’t slept well the night before. After I paid for the gas I turned my car towards the main road. I looked right and left then my brain sent the signal for my foot to push on the gas pedal but nothing happened. Shocked, I shook my head to clear it and gazed down at my foot.

Just as I did, though, a semi-truck roared past my car doing 60 mph. My weary, bleary eyes hadn’t seen it when I had looked just 2 seconds earlier. If I had been pulling out when I should have been my little green car would have been smashed and I would have most likely been killed. I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for sparing my life before pulling out on the road and heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked perfectly.

As I looked back on that moment later I still couldn’t understand it. Did God prevent my brain’s signal from reaching my foot? Did an angel grab my toes to keep them from pressing on the gas? One question kept coming back into my mind as well: why? Why did I get this miracle? Why did God spare my life this day? Finally, I felt the answer forming deep within my heart and mind. I heard the words coming from my soul saying: “You still have more to do. Your work is not done yet!”

Richard Bach wrote: “Here is the test to find if your mission on Earth is finished: if you are alive it isn’t.” Wake up each day then knowing that your mission isn’t done yet. Wake up each day knowing that you still have more to do. You have more love to share, more people to help, more kindness to give. You have one more day to be the miracle God meant for you to be.


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