A Piece Of Paradise

By Mary Laumbach-Perez • May 12, 2016

Growing up, I tended to be a loner. I found nothing more satisfying on getting on my bike, cool breeze blowing in my hair. Riding my bike gave me sensations of freedom, true and unbridled freedom in those moments. My bike took me to places that I couldn't reach by foot. When I chose to escape, I found it in walking. I use to walk daily on a path through the woods of rural NJ. I had a favorite path. The canopy of the trees no matter what season protected me from the elements. In the summer, the canopy enveloped me in cooler temperatures and the green of the leaves were mesmerizing to me. I felt safe on my little path, that didn't take me deep into the wilderness but up a mile onto a little private road that had beautiful rustic scenery. It took me out to an old white weathered farmhouse that had to be majestic in yesteryear. The matching outdoor outhouse still stood prominently in the yard. The vegetable garden that tempted me every time I walked passed it. The red in those tomatoes made my mouth water. I would get lost in those places, my own little piece of paradise. This is the simplicity of childhood and the innocence of seeing the pure beauty of the world. As adults, we get lost in the hustle and bustle of our lives. We often forget the simplest things that once brought us joy. Riding a bike or the freedom of walking through a wooded path. Spring brings us the replenishing that winter had removed. To see the early blooms and blossoms of spring, most pass by and barely notice the renewal of life around them. However, If we choose to ignore what is screaming out to be noticed and allow ourselves to remain in our own little bubble, we lose out what is truly living. To give yourself the gift to escape and go back to a place that is truly relaxing and refreshing that is what life is meant to be.

Live, laugh and love everyday.

XO Mary


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