Learn To Appreciate
By Sonia Kaur • September 29, 2015
Appreciation are few words of praise which can enhance anybody's confidence and lack of appreciation puts you down, low in confidence. If you want be confident in every sphere of life then 'Learn to Appreciate'.
Lack of appreciation creates jealousy, frustration, puts into inferiority complex, looser, puts into fear of facing the crowd etc.
Everybody wants appreciation. Appreciation boosts us to achieve our goal. Learn to appreciate good in others you will definitely become good. Criticism puts throne in one's way if a person is over criticized.
We all have some talents but we lack to achieve it because of lack of appreciation. We are always being criticized and being compared with our siblings and friends this criticism makes us weak. Never criticize your child but appreciate him for what he is good at.
Appreciate a person as he is because everybody is a masterpiece of god. By appreciation we make a person recognize his own worth. Everybody is given a talent by god and if he is properly appreciated then he can create a history.
Remember over appreciation is a poison. It prevents one from hard work. Appreciate yourself and always be thankful for everything you are given by God.
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