When Did You Laugh Aloud?
By Naveen • September 7, 2015
Do you remember on top of your mind when you laughed aloud with great fun? At least do you remember when did you smile? If yes, how times per day you smile?
In this busy global world, we are too much pressurized in to our work that we don't even remember to come out of them spend some quality time on our personal things.
Remember, you didn't laugh or smile meaning, you are not living a quality life.
Laugh or smile need not come in the absence of the stress or pressure. Instead they should come when you are in that situation. Then only you will get boost or instant energy to move forward ahead your obstacles.
My watch beeps every hour and I took the advantage of it to stop my work immediately when it beeps and bring a smile on to my face for a minute which gives me good feel cope up with my work.
So what are you waiting for? Smile or Have a big laugh immediately.
Some where I read the below quote:
"Smile is the best reaction in all critical situations and Laugh is the best tonic for all problems"!
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