An Amazing Letter To Me.

By Anjali Mohapatra • February 18, 2015

An amazing letter to me.

Dated: 30.01.2013

Dear me,

Hey! How are you? Surprised? Com on, guess who am I? Wait, wait , wait a minute, let me tell you first, what I want to tell you, then I will introduce myself. Of course, I know, it is not necessary to introduce myself to you as we are inseparable. Yesterday night, I was feeling so restless, you can't imagine. Too many things were hovering in my mind. I couldn't settle down myself, then I thought, 'Why not I will write a letter? Oops! To whom will I write?' My mind was running in hundred mile speed in search of a suitable person, to whom I could express my views, my ideas, my thoughts etc. 'Have you ever seen a ripples?' One after another comes and goes and it continues till the water becomes still. Isn't it? Believe me exactly like that, my mind was working. 'Hey, you know what? I think, I can spare everything of mine with you and you alone, although my own people around me are too good and generous.' Whenever, I was in grief or in trouble, I spoke to you and you picked me up. Remembered, one day, I was very angry with a person, who did something wrong and I scolded him. When I was sitting alone and recollecting the incident, you advised me not to get so angry for such a little matter, not only that you pacified me saying that anger kills humanity. You uttered one proverb, 'To err is human, to forgive is divine' which I remembered and appreciated. Not only this, we were arguing all the time for every little matter. Sometimes, I became so adamant and behave rudely while you were so cool and sweet. Really, I can't believe it! We were sharing the pain and pleasure together all the time. Hopefully, we will do the same forever. Well, now let me tell you, what for I have started this letter. Listen to me carefully, then you give me your opinion, okay? Here it goes........

Few days before, I was selected for an essay competition, which was supposed to be held in Sweden. I went there along with my papers. I was so excited!! My previous papers were highly appreciated by so many outside participants. We all participants were invited to assemble in a particular Seminar Hall. Oh! I can't describe the beauty of that hall. It was huge, beautiful, incredibly decorated. Everything was absolutely tip-top. Suddenly, a lady introduced herself as Ella, came to me. She talked to me for a long time and before leaving my company, asked me to show her my papers. I could not deny, because, she was very insisting. I handed over my papers to her. In the mean time, the announcer, announced the names of the participants, whose papers would be discussed in front of the panel judges. Trust me, out of fifty different countries' participants, my name was read out. 'Can you believe it?' However, I was thrilled, my ears became absolutely red, practically I was so excited, I couldn't hear anything, anymore. I was completely dumbfounded. Suddenly, I realised my name was repeatedly called out on the dais. I stood up hurriedly, and stepped forward, towards the stage. When I reached there, tears were rolling down from my eyes. I was shaking from top to bottom, I became speechless. I was completely lost. 'You know what? There was no trace of that lady, who took my papers.' I lost it. I couldn't believe that my hard work, my dream, everything had gone waste. I was embarrassed before everyone. The announcer was a sweet lady. Very politely, she asked me the reason of my crying. Precisely, I revealed her everything. However, I was so desperate, I started cursing Ella for ditching me. After a while, the news came to me that Ella was found unconscious in her bath-room. I didn't know the exact cause of her sudden illness, but my papers were recovered from her without any damage. Thank God, at least I got back my papers!!! But the way, I cursed her, I felt too bad. Mind runs faster than anything, so did mine. I cursed her like gathering all the worst, devil thoughts against her. But, when I came to know the truth, I felt so bad, so guilty, I can't express. From that time onwards, I was just thinking, with whom, I could share my mental agony? Eventually, you came to my mind. There are so many friends, all will come and go, but you are the only one, to whom I trust. So many times, you advised me to keep faith in myself, to keep patience, but as usual, I overruled you and put myself in to trouble. Knowing fully well, what reply you will give me, yet I am waiting for you. You are my divine guide, while my mind is devil. O.K, now I am relaxed to some extent, because, I have revealed my grief to someone, who is very dear and near to me. Oh, yes! We are inseparable. Once again, we will discuss later, okay, bye. With lots of love and hope, I remain.

Yours lovingly,


P.S: For the first time in my life, I have started writing. I am absolutely new in this line. This is my first own creative writing. There may be some mistakes. Editing part is not done, I don't know anyone. Please, forgive me. Give me your feed back.


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