Two Sisters Have A Bake-Sale To Save Local Barn Cats

By Lily Morgan And Laney Brind • February 5, 2015

In the summer we were told by our friends, that the barn next to their house was full of cats and the barn was closing down. We felt very bad for those poor cats. A couple week later we went for a family walk, my sister and me rode our bikes while our mom pushed our baby sister in the stroller, my sister heard a noise in the bush next to her. We all stop to listen and sure enough there was a faint cry in the bush. Our mother went to see what it was; moments later she walked towards us with a baby kitten. The baby kitten was injured on its leg and face.

We took the kitten home and helped the wound, in a couple of weeks the kitten was all better and we decided to keep the kitten and name her Oreo. After about a month we decided that we should help out the kittens and cats down at the barn. We had a Bake-Sale to help raise money to feed them and then we started to trap them to get them fixed and give them a home.

After about 2 months we had traped 26 cats and kittens, sent them to the SPCA to be fixed and to find their forever homes. We have given 9 cats a forever home who just needed love and time to get use to humans. We build the Hotel for Cats in our family room so they would have contact and love daily! We now have 12 cats and a few more to trap. This was a great experience and we are so glad we made a difference in their lives.


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