'Starts With J And Rhymes With A State': This Viral Name Guessing Post Will Have You Crying From Laughter

January 23, 2025

If you're in need of a good laugh, you've come to the right place.

The comments on a viral X post is guaranteed to have you laughing out loud. It all started with a screenshot from TikTok with the text "When his name starts with J and rhymes with one of the 50 states."

Name starts with J rhymes with 50 states
TikTok Screenshot

The guessing game quickly spiraled into comedic gold as commenters tried to figure out what name this mystery woman was referring to. And let's just say, the creativity was off the charts.

Here are some of the most hilarious guesses:

"Leave my boy Jassachusetts alone."

name starts with J rhymes with state

"Can't believe Jississippi would do this," one commenter wrote.

"Wait till Jisconsin hears about this!" another commented.


name starts with J rhymes with state

Someone guessed, "Johio?"

Another wrote, "J-Utah"

name starts with J rhymes with state




"New Jork," another guessed.

People couldn’t stop laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of these "names," and the comment section became the true star of the show.

Finally, after much confusion and uncontrollable laughter, someone cracked the code:

"It’s Jermaine btw."

Case solved—but not before the internet was gifted one of the funniest guessing games ever!

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