Vacation Habits That Are Stressing You Out

March 21, 2022

Our brains and bodies are not designed to work incessantly, but taking a vacation does not always relieve stress. Instead of unwinding, you may deplete your resources even further! Discover five biggest mistakes in vacation planning that induce stress.

Humans need extended stretches of decompression to escape the daily grind. A vacation is more than an opportunity to recharge our batteries just to drain them afterward. Perceive it as a period when every experience, be it sunbathing or Delta 8 bundle, improves your quality of life in general.


1. Overplanning

Vacation days are limited, so it is natural to want to visit as many sites as possible, but a jam-packed itinerary is a major stressor. Do not fall victim to FOMO and schedule every minute of every day. Trim your itinerary by around 30% or leave at least one day for improvised exploration. Just wander around, drop by local coffee shops or record stores, or read that book you have been trying to finish for months.

2. Skipping Meals

This is a typical consequence of overplanning. If you must schedule visits to attractions, schedule some time for meals, too. In the worst-case scenario, you should have some snacks with you.

3. Being Too Stringent With Itineraries

You do not have to follow your schedule to the letter — be open to spontaneity. Travelers often discover excellent activities and restaurants after asking locals or using Google Maps on a whim. If something interferes with your plans, do not stress out about it. Let things unfold naturally.

4. Checking Your Work Email

As soon as you open your inbox, your brain switches back to work mode. This could derail the whole experience! Make the most of your spare time and unplug. Whatever comes up at work can be dealt with after you return, and your colleagues will call you in case of an emergency. Your vacation time is sacred. If you get an email about a problem that cannot be sold remotely, stress will tarnish the rest of your vacation.

5. Underplanning

Although overplanning is bad, so is failure to plan enough. Our brains get so accustomed to schedules that their absence becomes a stressor. Besides, you can miss out on some great experiences. Draw up a list of the main sites you would like to visit and sprinkle them in throughout your trip. If any of them require booking, do it in advance


Only Booking The Cheapest Options

Bargains can lead to stressful experiences. If you cannot negotiate your budget, do not sacrifice comfortable transit and accommodation for the sake of sumptuous meals.

Set reasonable priorities. A flight with two connections that adds 10 hours to your journey or a dingy hotel with poor reviews will just make you feel awful. Do not book the cheapest options blindly. Make sure the standards will be acceptable.

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