Capital One Employee Helps A Woman's Heartbreak With The 'Best Story Ever'

September 16, 2016

After Christina Grady's fiancé broke up with her, she needed furniture for her new place. Capital One noticed the address was different and shut off her card for suspicious activity.

When Christina called Captial One to explain the reason for the new address, she never expected this to happen.

capital one flowers to ex
Christina Grady / Facebook

Christina Grady wrote:

"OMG, best story ever... My Capital One card got shut off for suspicious activity when I started to send furniture to a new address. I called and explained to this awesome woman, Tonya that my fiancé had broken up with me and I'd moved. She was like, 'Girl, I am giving you 4,500 free miles. Go on vacation. Take so many pictures of yourself all happy and post them all over that Instagram.'

5 days later, my ex texts, 'Someone sent you flowers to my house.' 'Who would be so bold?' I think. He let me pick them up while he was at work. I open the card, TONYA KYY905 Capital One!!! She sent me flowers! To my ex fiancé's house in a sealed card!!!!!!"

capital one flowers to ex

"TONYA KYY905, you are a genius and a role model to women looking out for women. #TONYAKYY905ISMYHERO PLEASE share, the whole world should know how awesome Tonya KYY905 is!!!!"

Credit: Christina Grady

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