This Police Officer Gives People Walking Their Dog Citations, And They Thank Him For It

March 27, 2015

The Farmington, New Hampshire, police department has been spending the past month handing out citations to people walking the streets - good for free pizza and french fries.

After enduring a long New England winter, Farmington Police Chief Jay Drury thought the community could use a little morale boost. So, he created a program for police officers to give out gift cards for slices and fries. The cards are issued to people who, despite the harsh winter conditions, are following simple laws like using the crosswalks, keeping their dogs on leashes and using their turn signals, NBC News reports.

"Through the snow, this guy followed every rule and law, and I said to myself, he deserves a medal for this," Drury told The Huffington Post. "It really weighed on me for a few days, and I thought, there has to be something we can do."

The program officially kicked off on March 2, and has continued to gain momentum since. Farmington cops make a point to give out the cards safely - they are not pulling over anyone in a car to give out the gifts.

In addition to providing an incentive for the town’s residents to follow the law, Drury says the program has strengthened ties both between the small community and its police department.

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