Adorable Seal Uses 'Guilt Window' To Get Snacks From Guests

January 24, 2025

If you’ve ever been to an aquarium or zoo, you know that feeding the animals is always a fun add-on. At this particular aquarium, you can buy seal food and treat one of these adorable marine mammals.

The window is strategically placed so you can’t miss it, and one savvy seal has turned it into its personal snack headquarters. The seal sits perfectly in the frame, locking eyes with you, and giving the most irresistible puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. It’s as if the seal is saying, “Surely, you’re not going to walk away without feeding me, right?”

One commenter on the video humorously dubbed it the "guilt window."


Oh 😳 He knew what was about to happen

♬ original sound - Kim Fragoso

Many commenters couldn’t resist sharing their thoughts and humor about the clever seal setup:

"That's guilt-tripping 101 😭 It would work on me too though."

"To whatever company this is, putting that window there was some smart marketing lol."

"How did you spend ALL of your money?" "Well, there was a seal."

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