This Dog's Gentle Pretzel Grab Has The Internet Obsessed

January 21, 2025

A heartwarming video of Tucker, a golden retriever with the gentlest demeanor, has taken the internet by storm.

The viral clip captures the moment Tucker’s owner offers him a pretzel, but with one condition: he has to be gentle while taking it.

Tucker’s soft, careful approach has left viewers in awe.

@tucker_thegentleman The sweetest guy 🥹#goldenretriever #dogtok #dogtricks #goodboy #tuckerthegolden #gentleman ♬ original sound - Tucker_theGENTLEman

What’s stealing the show just as much as Tucker’s adorableness are the hilarious comments pouring in from fans. Many viewers expressed just how much they trust Tucker, with remarks like:

"This dog could do my surgery, I trust him."

"I’d trust him to raise my children."

"I would give this dog a key to my house."

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