94 Year-Old Grocery Store Worker Gets Laid Off, Cries From What Customers Surprise Him With

August 17, 2014

A 94-year-old part-time grocery store bagger, who was one of many workers to have hours cut, received a surprise gift when he went to collect his final paycheck.

Arthur St John
Credit: Jason Schreiber

Arthur St. John, who's been working at the store for 22 years, received an extra check for $7,166 from an online campaign.

When Bonnie Gervais heard he was told not to report to work anymore, she and her teenage son, Christian, created an online fundraiser to help him out. They never expected it would raise thousands.

Many of those who donated to St. John's fund were customers who posted comments regarding the service he provided while bagging their groceries.

"I've been shopping at the Stratham store just a few years longer than you've been working there and I've always enjoyed seeing you and appreciate your courtesy."

"It is always a joy to see Arthur at the end of the conveyor belt. He is always so sweet to my little son."

"Arthur cried two or three times. He was very appreciative," said assistant store director Dean Clevesy. The money will help St. John pay his bills, but he still wants to get back to work.

Source: SeaCoastOnline

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