After Reading A Fan's Facebook Post, He Delivered Himself In A Box To His Doorstep

August 8, 2014

One year ago, a boy by the name of Tyler Grace left a comment on photographer Benjamin Von Wong's fan page that made him realize for the first time that as a "public figure", he had the power to change peoples lives.

photographer shows up in box for birthday
Benjamin Von Wong

On Tyler's 21st birthday, Von Wong flew 10 hours from Singapore to Australia and delivered himself to Tyler's doorstep wrapped in a box.

Ben Von Wong birthday surprise
Benjamin Von Wong

"I didn't want to just show up at his house and grab a coffee with him, I wanted to do something memorable for him."

He took Tyler on the adventure of a lifetime. It was more than just stepping into the door to wish him a happy birthday. It was about making dreams come true.

"At the end of the day though, I personally declare that the best gift he received was a pink (or possibly purple) unicorn that I found for him at the Kayabram rodeo to remember me by."

Ben and Tyler
Benjamin Von Wong

Sources: DIY Photography,

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