This 8 Year-Old Refuses To Leave His Brother Behind... Pushes And Pulls Him Through Triathlon

July 24, 2014

Eight-year-old Noah Aldrich didn't want his 6-year-old brother Lucas to miss out on a youth triathlon, so he pulled and pushed him the whole way as he swam, biked and ran in the sweltering heat.

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Courtesy Aldrich Family

Although Lucas is confined to a wheelchair, the boys do everything together. They watch cartoons together and go on walks and bike rides, with Noah pushing and pulling Lucas in a special buggy.

brothers triathlon disabled
Courtesy Aldrich Family

Lucas was born with lissencephaly, a rare brain malformation.

"He can't walk, he can't talk, but he's the happiest little guy you can ever imagine and he just loves being around people," his mother noted. "He's learning how to communicate with us more and more but there's definitely a lot in there — he just can't get it out."

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Courtesy Aldrich Family

Lucas recognizes his parents, but he is particularly happy when he sees his big brother Noah. His eyes light up and he starts moving his arms and legs with excitement, which his family calls his "happy dance".

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Courtesy Aldrich Family

The youth triathlon included a 200 meter swim, three mile bike ride, and a one mile run. Lucas weighs almost 50 pounds and his bike trailer another 40 pounds, so Noah was pulling almost 100 pounds behind him when he was on the bike.

As Noah crossed the finish line, the race announcer had just one word: "Extraordinary."


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