He Made His Dad A Promise When He Was 8 Years Old... Have Some Tissues Handy

June 8, 2014

When Mike King was only 8 years old, he promised to buy his dad a 1957 Chevy Bel Air for his 57th birthday, and he just came through on that promise.

"My dad grew up poor in a family of 7 children," Mike explained in a Reddit post on Friday. "He never thought he would be able to own his dream vehicle but would talk about it all the time."

Mike had worked 60-hour weeks for several months so he could afford to buy the car, which he kept hidden in his garage for the past two years.

The video has gone viral with responses like this one on reddit that really struck a chord:

"As a father, the most touching part for me is the promise of an 8 year old boy fulfilled. Man, for your dad to see that car in the garage, just like you told him it would be...I guarantee he was instantly transported back to see that little 8 year old kid in you. And he realized two things....1) You love him. And you loved him as a kid. 2) He raised a good man. And that's the best birthday gift any dad could ever ask for."

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