First Ever Footage Of Uncontacted Amazon Tribe. What They Captured Is Unimaginable

March 17, 2014

It's hard to imagine there are unknown groups of people living in this world without any outside contact with the civilized world.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

Jose Carlos Meirelles has been researching a tribe that inhabits the dense Amazon forest and has zero contact with the modern world.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

This is the first time Meirelles agreed to allow a camera crew to tag along and capture aerial footage.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

"We know so little about these peoples," says Meirelles. "It's even difficult to convince governments that they exist."

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

"One image of them has more impact than a thousand reports," Meirelles adds.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

The people are one with nature, living off the land. Their gardens are full of fruit and vegetables. This is the real life Avatar.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

The annato trees that populate the region produce the tribes bright red body paint.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

Now that they have been documented, Meirelles believes they should be free to choose whether they make contact with the outside world.

amazon unknown civilization
Survival International

Hopefully, they are left alone to live in peace as they have for a very long time.

You can watch the video below:

Source: YouTube

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