Witnessed Kindness: Officer Joins Man In Need Instead Of Moving Him Along

January 20, 2025

A simple act of kindness in Brewer, Maine, has warmed hearts and restored faith in humanity.

Heather Ann Love witnessed a touching interaction between a Brewer police officer and a man in need, and she shared the story on Facebook, inspiring countless others.

police kindness stories
Credit: Heather Ann Love / Facebook

Heather was sitting in her car near Ruby Tuesday’s parking lot when she noticed a man panhandling at the entrance to Walmart. Moments later, a Brewer Police Officer pulled up in a cruiser and stepped out. Expecting the officer to instruct the man to leave, Heather was surprised to see something entirely different unfold.

"I just witnessed the most beautiful thing out here in the Ruby Tuesday’s parking lot in Brewer, Maine that restored my hope in humanity just a tad.

There was a person panhandling in the median of the entrance to Walmart and a Brewer Police Officer pulls up in their cruiser, gets out and starts walking towards him. Now, I am fully expecting this very squared away on duty patrolman to tell this guy he cannot be there and to leave the area, but to my very pleasant surprise he stops traffic so that he can join the man while he asks passersby for their change. From my car I heard the officer introduce himself in a very kind manner and then ask the man if he needed help connecting to any resources that may be available in the community for those who are in need, such as himself.

I was shocked but extremely pleased to know that our cops are actually out here protecting and serving EVERYONE in our community.

After a short talk in the median, they parted ways but I just got to hand it to that officer for proving my pessimistic mind wrong today and want to say personally, 'Thank you. Way to go!'"

As the story circulates, it serves as a reminder that small gestures of kindness can make a big difference.

Heather's post has received an outpouring of positive responses and has quickly gone viral, touching hearts far and wide.

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