New Jersey Firefighters Save Dog Trapped In Tire

March 28, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Franklinville, New Jersey.

In a heartwarming display of community spirit and swift action, the Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company (FVFC) came to the rescue of a beloved furry resident, Daisy the dog, who found herself in a tight spot – quite literally.

firefighters rescue dog
Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company

The saga began when Daisy, a cherished member of the Franklinville community, managed to get her head wedged inside the rim of a tire at her home.

Lt. Brandon Volpe told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the crew first used dish soap and water but couldn’t free the dog, who was “pretty stuck in there.”

They then tried vegetable oil and when that didn’t work they put plastic wrap around her neck, hoping the oil and soap would make it slippery enough for her to slide down.

firefighters rescue dog
Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company

When all that failed, Volpe remembered he had plasma cutters at home. They're used for cutting steel and metal, so he knew a tire would be no match for the machine.

The crew carefully loaded Daisy into the firetruck and set off for Volpe's garage, where they skillfully and successfully extracted the tire, freeing Daisy from her confinement.

firefighters rescue dog
Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company

In a statement on social media, the department expressed their gratitude to everyone involved in the successful rescue mission, emphasizing the unwavering commitment they bring to every call for assistance.

"This is the dedication and commitment you can expect from the FVFC each time we respond to a call. We are grateful to everyone who responded today to help Daisy," the department said.

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