Photographer Captures Stunning Photos Of Spotted Moose In Norway

December 14, 2023

A rare spotted moose has made a majestic appearance in Buskerud, Norway.

The stunning creature, marked by its unique spotted coat, has become the talk of the town after photographer Thomas Mørch managed to capture breathtaking images of the elusive animal.

spotted moose
Credit: Thomas Mørch / Mørch Foto & Villmarksopplevelser

The enchanting encounter unfolded when Mørch received a tip from an observant friend who was lucky enough to spot the rare moose in the wild.

"I have a friend who runs horses up there and the moose had been on his summer pasture for several days. I traveled there immediately, because suddenly he could be gone," Mørch told NRK.

spotted moose
Credit: Thomas Mørch / Mørch Foto & Villmarksopplevelser

The resulting photographs showcase the spotted moose foraging for food amidst the dense snow of Hol Municipality.

Jan Eira, while en route to his workplace, also had the opportunity to witness the moose.

"It doesn't look like a moose. He is almost as fat as a pig, with a belly like a cow," he told Hallingdølen.

Mørch confirmed the animal has been eating well.

"He is good and fat, and it looked like he was doing well," he told NRK.

Several days after capturing the photos, Mørch revisited the location with his children, only to find that the moose had disappeared.

"The kids and I went to look for him today, but he was gone," he said. "He has eaten well and looks like he will survive the winter. We also have to keep our fingers crossed that it stays away from motorways and railways."

See more wildlife photos by Mørch on his Facebook page, Mørch Foto & Villmarksopplevelser.

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