Man With No Car And No Furniture Dies With Big Secret, Leaving His Small Town Millions

November 22, 2023

Today's good news story comes from Hinsdale, New Hampshire.

In the quiet town of Hinsdale, New Hampshire, a man of humble means and unassuming presence has posthumously astonished his community with a remarkable secret.

Geoffrey Holt, a local resident known for his modest lifestyle — void of a car and sparsely furnished home — has left an extraordinary legacy, revealing himself to be a multimillionaire in his final act.

secret millionaire
Geoffrey Holt / Credit: Ed Smith via AP

Geoffrey Holt, who served as the caretaker of a mobile home park in Hinsdale, lived a simple and curious life that belied the magnitude of his financial success. Town residents often observed him in worn-out clothes, maneuvering a lawn mower around town or leisurely parked along the main road, engrossed in a newspaper or watching the world go by.

Despite having taught driver's education to high school students in the past, Holt opted for a bicycle instead of a car and eventually transitioned to using a lawn mower for his daily travels. His mobile home, which lacked the usual amenities like a television or computer, spoke volumes about his minimalistic lifestyle.

Edwin "Smokey" Smith, Holt's best friend and former employer, told the AP, "He seemed to have what he wanted, but he didn't want much."

secret millionaire
Holt's home / Credit: Ed Smith via AP

Upon Holt's passing earlier this year, the community discovered the well-kept secret he had harbored throughout his lifetime. In a surprising twist, Holt's will unveiled a generous donation of $3.8 million to the town of Hinsdale, earmarked for the enhancement of education, health, recreation, and culture.

Steve Diorio, chairperson of the town selectboard, expressed his disbelief, stating, "I don't think anyone had any idea that he was that successful."

To manage the distribution of the funds, a trust through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation has been established. Organizations within the community will have the opportunity to apply for grants, drawing from the annual interest generated, estimated to be around $150,000.

Kathryn Lynch, the town administrator, emphasized a frugal approach in line with Holt's own lifestyle, stating, "Hinsdale will utilize the money left very frugally, as Mr. Holt did."

The legacy of Geoffrey Holt, a man who lived quietly and gave generously, will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the town he called home.

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