After Not Washing Her Hair For 5 Years, She Discovered Something Truly Amazing

January 18, 2014

We're told that in order to have healthy hair we need to wash daily with top of the line shampoo and conditioner.

One woman is making headlines after she described how the results of not washing her hair for five years has actually made it healthier. Jacquelyn Baers says that she stopped using shampoo out of fear for its many chemicals, and has not looked back since.

Ms Baers initially recounted her no-shampoo experience on a blog titled  Little Owl Crunchy Mama. She told the Huffington Post that her road to all-natural hair care initially started with her buying organic shampoos and conditioners. But those products proved to be rather pricey, so she decided to try an apple cider vinegar and baking powder remedy for a few years instead.

Here is how her hair looked using the home remedy solution (dried out).

"It wasn't working for me -- it was making hair dry, and greasy, and back and forth," she said of the homemade recipe. That is when she decided to stop using anything to clean her hair at all.

It has now been five years since she's walked away from shampoo, and three years since she has stopped using any hair cleaning remedies. She says that while the no-shampoo, or 'no-poo' movement as it has been called, is growing in popularity, shampoo is still a part of our social structure.

Her shampoo-free hair (pictured) is healthy and does not break anymore.

"It's just a part of our culture – lather, rinse, repeat, so questioning that is different and goes against the norm," she said of some people's responses to her hair care routine.

Regardless, she says that her hair is now  "super healthy. It's the healthiest it's been in a long time."

On a similar note, just the other day I realized that cleaning glass surfaces with soap and water worked better than any glass cleaner, leaving no streaks at all. All these years I have been under the impression that the only way to clean glass is with Windex.

It's time to make some changes.

Source:, LittleOwlCrunchyMomma

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