Customer's Act Of Kindness Sparks TWO DAY 'Pay It Forward' Chain At Diary Queen

December 7, 2020

An act of kindness by a customer at a Dairy Queen in Brainerd, MN, sparked a two-day "pay it forward" chain.

pay it forward Dairy Queen
Credit: Kelly Humphrey / Brainerd Dispatch

Last Thursday, a drive-thru customer offered to pay for the food of the driver behind them. The next customer followed suit, which sparked a chain that continued through Saturday evening.

By the end of the night Thursday, $10 was left over to keep the chain going the next day. And after hearing about what was happening, another person called in and donated $80 to the cause, meaning Dairy Queen started Friday with $90 to pay forward for drive-thru customers.

"I've had it happen where it went for like 10-15 cars, but never like this. Never for over a day," manager Tina Jensen told the Brainerd Dispatch.

Jensen said customers were grateful and eager to participate.

"There's a couple that were so surprised. One lady was almost in tears, she said.

In the end, nearly $10,000 worth of food was paid forward by more than 900 customers.

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