A Couple Surprised Their Waitress Who Walked 14 Miles To Work With A New Car

November 29, 2019

A Denny's waitress in Galveston, TX, walked over 4 hours to and from work every day.

But now the long walks will end, thanks to a couple who sat in her section for breakfast on Tuesday.

couple surprises waitress new car
Adrianna Edwards / Credit: KTRK/CNN

Adrianna Edwards walked 14 miles a day in order to get to work.

"I have bills to pay," Edwards told KTRK. "I've got to eat. You've got to do what you've got to do."

When a couple dining in the restuarant learned Edwards' story, they returned hours later with keys to a 2011 Nissan Sentra they had just purchased from a local car delearship.

couple surprises waitress new car
Credit: KTRK/CNN

"She teared up, which made me happy that she was so moved by that," said the woman who bought the car.

"I still feel like I'm dreaming. Every two hours, I come look out my window and see if there's still a car there," Edwards said.

The only thing the couple asked in return was that Edwards someday pay it forward. Edwards says she intends to do just that.

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