Teenage 'Rambo' Saves All 14 Horses From Burning Barn

July 29, 2019

A teenager in Georgia is being called a hero after his quick thinking saved the lives of 14 Clydesdale horses.

16 year old naked rambo saves horses in barn
Credit: NBC News

The Martin family's home was struck by lighting in the middle of the night.

"It shook the whole house," Shannon Martin told the local news station. "One minute I am in bed; the next minute I am standing up next to the bed trying to figure out what happened."

Soon after, a fire quickly engulfed their horse barn. To make matters worse, the barn doors were locked.

That's when 16-year-old Macon rushed into action.


"I just ran right out. I had no clothes on, no shoes, no nothing," Macon said. "I just jumped in our Gator and I just ran it right into the door."

"He busted through like Rambo and opened up the end of the stalls and said, 'Mom, this way'," Shannon recalled. "And we were able to push the horses out that way."

All 14 horses made it out unharmed, but the barn was a total loss.

Watch the video below.

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