Child Calls 911, Asks Officer To Be His Friend Because He's Lonely

May 9, 2019

A little boy in Florida has a new police officer friend after calling 911 because he was feeling lonely.

kid calls police lonely
Credit: Tallahassee Police Department

The Tallahassee Police Department posted about the encounter on Facebook.

"Here's Officer Joe White and his new friend who called 911 without his mom knowing.

Officer White arrived on scene and the young man asked Officer White to be his friend because he was lonely. Officer White took the time to explain how 911 is used and how it's for emergencies.

Then Officer White said he'd always be a friend!

The young man got a stuffed animal, got to sit in the patrol car and got to spend some time with Officer White!

We have a new friend!"

Due to requests from social media users to send the boy greeting cards, the department said Officer White would gladly deliver them to him.

Send to: Tallahassee Police Department, 234 East 7th Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32303 C/O Public Information Officer

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