Purdue Names Stadium Entrance After Superfan Tyler Trent

March 28, 2019

Purdue University has memorialized their most inspirational fan by naming the front entrance of their football stadium in his honor.

On Wednesday, the university announced that the student entrance gate at Ross-Ade Stadium is now named Tyler Trent Student Gate.

tyler trent entrance purdue

Tyler Trent was a Purdue University student who inspired others with his enthusiastic support for his college football team while battling a rare form of bone cancer. Trent captured national media attention in 2018 for correctly predicting Purdue’s upset of Ohio State, then ranked #2 in the nation.


It was his first game back to campus after entering hospice care.

Tyler, was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 and passed away from the disease on Jan. 1, 2019 at age of 20.

"Tyler reminds us to inspire kindness, gratitude, faith and passion in one another and within ourselves," Purdue Football wrote on Twitter.

Senior quarterback and student body president Aaron Banks spoke at Wednesday's announcement of the T2 Gate.

"While there are no words to ease the hurt at times like this, we hope some comfort can be found in knowing what an inspiration Tyler is to our student-athletes, coaches, staff and fans," the Purdue athletic department said in a statement. "The entire Purdue Athletics family has been touched by his courageous battle, positive spirit and unwavering faith. Tyler was the embodiment of a true Boilermaker who will live on in each of us. We will forever be #TylerStrong."

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