Grandma Picks Up Crossing Guard Gig For Extra Cash, Becomes Local Celebrity

December 14, 2018

An act of kindness is turning an elementary school crossing guard into a local celebrity.

crossing guard grandma kindness

Patty Polley took the Babson Park Elementary School crossing guard gig a few years ago as a way to make some extra money. But she soon realized it was more than just a part time job.

"I fell in love with all my little human beings," said the 68-year-old grandma. "It's not even a job. It's somewhere I love to go. I actually miss them in the summer."

When the temperatures dropped, she noticed some of the kids were not dressed for the chill, so she went home and knitted many of them mittens.


Families were so moved by the gesture they reached out to Patty's bosses at the Polk County Sheriff's Office. They in turn praised her all over social media.

crossing guard grandma kindness
Credit: Polk County Sheriff's Office

"Thank you to all of you, and to Babson Park Elementary School, who sent us private messages and shared FB posts about our wonderful School Crossing Guard Patty Polley," the Polk County Sheriff's Office wrote on Facebook. "The kids and faculty know her as 'Ms. Patty' and the attached post speaks for itself."

Patty says she is enjoying her sudden local fame.

"It's been amazing, it really has," she told ABC Action News. "Believe me those kids give me way more than I could ever give them."

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