Man Orders Waters At A Restaurant And Leaves $10,000 Cash Tip

October 22, 2018

A man walked into Sup Dogs in Greenville, North Carolina, and asked for two glasses of water. No food, no other drinks, just two waters -- and left a $10,000 tip.

man tips waitress 10k
Credit: Sup Dogs / Facebook

Sup Dogs owner Brett Oliverio told The News & Observer that the man had a few sips, then left $10,000 in cash on the table, with a note that said "thanks for the delicious water."

"I've seen some really big tips but not $10,000 this was out of the blue, once in a lifetime, it'll never happen again in my lifetime," Oliverio said.

It turns out that the generous donor is a popular YouTube personality named Mr. Beast. He filmed the server's reaction as she picked up the money and left.

Oliverio said the waitress, who was "shaking while counting the money", kept a portion of the tip and split the rest with the staff.

The video of the waitress's reaction has not yet been posted to Mr. Beasts' YouTube channel.

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