Woman's Final Request Was To Find Her Dog A Loving Home

October 5, 2018

Donations and applications came pouring in after a St. Louis animal shelter shared the heartbreaking letter a cancer patient wrote about her beloved dog.

woman final request find dog home shell
Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

The Stray Rescue of St. Louis was looking for someone to adopt a dog named Shell into their home after the dog's owner died of cancer.

The owner's final request was to find a loving home for a dog she considered her daughter.

"I am writing you cause I need you to take my dog, Shell...I've been fighting cancer for a few months and if you're reading this I lost my battle. I need for my baby girl to be taken care of in a home," the letter read.

"In these days all I do is worry about what's going to happen to her. I love this girl, she is my daughter."

woman with cancer writes letter to shelter to find dog home
Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

"Shell is now with us, safe and sound in our Executive Director, Cassady's office," the organization wrote on October 1. "She is scared, but we will shower her with so much love. If someone has been lonely and would like to give Shell a home, with plenty of patience and understanding, please fill out an application."


The shelter's post was shared nearly 2,000 times. Dozens of people confirmed in the comments that they had filled out applications to adopt Shell.

On October 4, just three days later, the Stray Rescue confirmed that Shell has found a forever home.

shell adopted owner with cancer
Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

"We have a happy ending to Shell's tragic story," the organization wrote in an update. "As most of you know, we received a heart breaking letter on Monday. Shell came to Stray Rescue after her owner passed away. Then, a wonderful lady saw the news segment and knew it was time for her to adopt after losing her Stray Rescue dog Trenton, in July. She just felt so drawn to her. Wasting no time, she filled out an application and was here the very next morning. The two of them hit it off and she knew it was definitely the right time. She says Shell is already running the house, and that they are inseparable. We are honored to have fulfilled the final wish of her Mom, who is no longer with us. We promise she will be spoiled for the rest of her life."

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