Janitor Enjoys Vacation Paid For By Students

September 20, 2018

A beloved janitor at Bristol University enjoyed a much-needed vacation in Jamaica paid for by donations from more than 200 Bristol students.

school janitor vacation to jamaica gordon
Hermand and Denise / Credit: Bristruths

Earlier this year, a student posted on Bristol University’s "confession" Facebook page called Bristruths about Herman Gordon.

"The Jamaican cleaner in the med library is the jolliest man I have ever met, he makes me smile even when I’m in the deepest depths of revision or trying to be, if you want a reason to smile go talk to him for a min or two," the post said.

Soon after, a crowdfunding page was launched to send Herman to Jamaica so he could visit family for the first time in over a decade.


More than 230 people had donated to the cause and Herman was gifted £1,500.

A video of Herman breaking down in tears when he was told about the trip in June went viral.

On September 18, Bristruths posted an update on Herman's vacation:

"We're delighted to say that Herman loved his holiday at a five star resort in Jamaica along with his wife Denise. They celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary there and have gone on to visit family in Kingston.

Herman has told us: 'God bless you all. Everybody will see this and think that I'm a trillionaire' whilst Denise has said: 'I just wanted to say thank you to all the University of Bristol students for this gift that they have given to me and Herman'."

janitor vacation in jamaica
Credit: Sandals

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