Woman Spots Movement On Dead Kangaroo, Pulls U-Turn And Rescues Baby

August 21, 2018

A bittersweet video of a woman rescuing a baby kangaroo from its deceased mother's pouch on the side of a road in Adelaide, Australia has gone viral on social media.

Lauren Wagner, 32, and her friend Sarah Wragge were on their way home when they spotted a dead kangaroo on the side of the road that had clearly been hit by a car.

But as they drove closer, they noticed something unusual.

"I swear I saw it move, so we chucked a U-turn and drove past it slowly and it was definitely moving," Wagner told The Advertiser.

"It was quite obviously kicking in the tummy and I got out and had a look and saw two little feet sticking out of its pouch."

Wagner said it was hard to pull the joey out because "it was pretty tightly packed in there."

She wrapped him up in a blanket and the pair quickly took the joey straight to fauna rescue expert Sibylle Kaufmann in Happy Valley.

Kaufmann said the joey is a healthy, seven-month-old male, who is "actually doing pretty good."

Right now he needs constant care, but eventually he will be free to roam the fauna rescue property with other kangaroos.

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