This School Started A 'Comfort Closet' So Kids In Need Can Secretly Grab Hygiene Products And Clothes

March 19, 2018

Teachers at Niota Elementary School in Tennessee have started a "comfort closet" for kids in need to get hygiene supplies and clothes.

comfort closet for kids in need
Photo Credit: Terevok via Reddit

Kindergarten teachers Vanessa Bateman and Heather Malick headed up the formation of the closet of clothes, shoes and toiletries at the school, which is a combined elementary and middle school.

It's housed in an old locker room where children can discreetly be taken to the room to "shop". This way it saves the children from embarrassment and helps them focus on learning without the additional stresses of life.

Bateman says there are 600 kids in the school and the closet it visited by about 10 students a week.

The comfort closet is stocked by donations from parents and local businesses.

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