Woman Performs Surgery On Injured Butterfly And Saves Its Life

January 12, 2018

Romy McCloskey has a good reason to cherish butterflies more than most people. Before her mother passed away, she said, "Romy, don't worry. Whenever you see butterflies, just know it's me checking in on you to let you know I'm OK, and that I love you."

So when Romy found a Monarch butterfly with an injured wing, she took it upon herself to save its life by turning her home office into an insect operating room.

Romy took to Facebook to share the story.

The patient: this 3-day-old little boy was born with torn upper and lower wings. Let's see how we can help!

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

The operating room. Towel, scissors, tweezers, talc, contact cement, toothpick and my sweet girl who died earlier last week (for wings.)

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

Securing the little guy down with the bent hanger, as I cut away the damaged pieces. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. It's like trimming hair or nails.

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

The damaged pieces of wings.

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

Ta-da! He's finished! You can see that the black lines in is upper right wing don't match up 100%.

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

Flight day!

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

A quick rest, and then he was off!

woman performs surgery on butterfly
Romy McCloskey

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