Dog Thrown Over A Fence Gets Nursed Back To Health Thanks To $11,000 In Donations

August 15, 2017

A dog who was dumped over a fence and left to die has been nursed back to health thanks to a crowdfunding page that raised over £8,500 ($11,000) in just one week.

Meet Wanda.

help wanda dog rescue news
Photo credit: GoFundMe

Wanda was on the brink of death when rescuers found her abandoned in a garden.

She had an extremely high temperature, an ear infection, pus-filled eyes, and a severe case of mange.

help wanda dog rescue news
Photo credit: GoFundMe

Wanda was taken to the Ravenswood Pet Rescue in Wisbech, England. Shelley Ridgan, who works at the rescue, set up a GoFundMe page to cover the costs of nursing the dog back to health.

"What can I say," she wrote. "The worst case I have ever collected, thrown over a lady's fence late last night."

help wanda dog rescue news
Photo credit: GoFundMe

Ridgan's goal was £3,000, but in the first week, people donated more than £8,500 for Wanda's recovery.

And just three months later, Wanda looks like a totally different dog.

help wanda dog rescue news
Photo credit: GoFundMe

"Wanda has now fully recovered and has stayed with her foster family," Wanda's owner, Gail, told Metro.

"It's amazing that she has been transformed by the generous donations from strangers across the UK."

help wanda dog rescue news
Photo credit: GoFundMe

Sources: Metro, GoFundMe

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