Body-Cam Video Shows Police Saving 2 Dogs Trapped Inside A Hot Car

July 10, 2017

There's been an enormous response to a video that shows police in Georgia rescuing two dogs trapped in a car that was 167-degrees inside.

According to the Roswell Police Department, it was 89 degrees at 52 percent humidity Sunday afternoon when a concerned citizen called them to a parking lot. But inside the car it was much hotter.

The officer's thermometer read 167 degrees in the front seat, despite the fact that all four windows were cracked.

"The windows were actually cracked. All of the windows were cracked. But that doesn't mean, you know, that the car is getting any sort of breeze. It was parked directly in the sunshine. There was no shade for this car," Roswell Police Officer Lisa Holland said.

Police said the dogs were suffering from heat stroke, but are doing OK now.

The Roswell Police Department released the body-cam footage in an effort to spread the word about the dangers of leaving pets inside a vehicle when it's hot out - even with the windows down.

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