Woman Carries Twins For Her Sister, Who Had 9 Miscarriages

May 16, 2017

After nine miscarriages a woman felt her dream of becoming a mother slipping away - until her sister renewed her hope by offering to carry her children for her.

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33-year-old Melissa Kayser says she was devastated by the losses she suffered trying to have children over the past three years.

Doctors suggested she try to grow her family with the help of a surrogate. Her sister, Lisa Auten, offered to help her.

"I couldn't stand watching Melissa go through loss after loss," Lisa told Inside Edition. "She hurt so badly and she just wanted a child so bad. If I could help give her a family, then I was going to do it."

Doctors implanted two "poor quality" embryos in Lisa and both of them took.

Lisa says she had an easy pregnancy and gave birth to two healthy girls, Tierney and Ashlynn.

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Melissa says she is very grateful to have a sister who was willing to go her such a big favor. Especially because Lisa does not want children of her own.

"I never saw myself being a mom. I enjoyed being pregnant, but the experience has not changed my mind," Lisa said. "I am just fine being an aunt."

"Every day I am in awe. You hear women say you don't really know love until you have children. They really do complete me," Melissa said. "There's never any words that I can say to thank her for what she did. She gave up a year of her life so that we could have a family. I could never repay."

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