Barista Gets Tired Of Rude Customers, Puts Sign Out Front That Goes Viral

September 16, 2016

A CUPS employee in Roanoke, VA, is getting national attention after a photo of a sign he placed out front of the store went viral.

The concept is simple: the more polite you are when ordering, the less you pay for coffee.

The sandwich board reads:

"Small coffee"
"Small coffee, please"
"Hello, one small coffee, please."

Austin Simms says he was just trying to be funny, not famous.

"I decided because I need to solve all the injustices of the world to start charging more for people who didn't take the time to say hello and connect and realize we're all people behind the counter," Simms said.

Simms says he wrote the message on Sunday. By Monday, it was in a newspaper in England. On Wednesday, a whole bunch of cameras started showing up.

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