Police Officer Prays With His Children Every Day Before His Shift

April 2, 2016

Jordan Perkins says a prayer with his children every day before he begins work at the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina.

When his wife, Kelsie, posted this photo to her Facebook page, her husband's employer saw it and asked for permission to share it. It has since been shared several thousand more times.

cop prays with kids

The Cleveland County Sheriff's Office wrote:

"Deputy Jordan Perkins children praying for him before his shift. Proud to have this deputy and his family a part of the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office"

"It shows a human side, that officers have families, just like everybody else, that they have to come back home to," Captain Joel Shares, a Sheriff's Office spokesman, told TODAY. "We're just like everybody else, except we have a badge and a gun."

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