Bride And Groom Make Post-Wedding Stop To Surprise 91-Year-Old Grandmother

January 9, 2016

Brian Kurtulik's 91-year-old grandmother was devastated she could not make it to his wedding due to an ankle injury. That was until Kurtulik's bride, Lauren, decided to bring their wedding party to her.

bride and groom visit grandmother in hospital
Credit: Hello Gorgeous Photography

When the couple walked into her room at the rehabilitation center, they were surprised to see McCormack in bed wearing the outfit she had planned to wear to their wedding, party shoes and corsage included.

bride and groom visit grandmother in hospital
Credit: Hello Gorgeous Photography

"The look on her face, the way she looked at Brian and Lauren, you could tell how much she loved them and how happy she was," photographer Rachel Nolan of Hello Gorgeous Photography told ABC News.

bride and groom visit grandmother in hospital
Credit: Hello Gorgeous Photography

Lauren said she will never forget McCormack's face when they walked in the room.

"I walked in first and her mouth flew open," Lauren recalled. "She kept saying, 'I have a granddaughter. I finally have a granddaughter!' She wasn't saying much but was in such shock and such disbelief."

bride and groom visit grandmother in hospital
Credit: Hello Gorgeous Photography

"She truly had no idea that Brian and Lauren were going to take time out of their wedding day to come see her and I think that is part of what made it special," Nolan added. "You could just tell that they made her day with such a kind gesture. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire room."

bride and groom visit grandmother in hospital
Credit: Hello Gorgeous Photography

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