Woman Gives Birth To Her Cancer-Surviving Twin Sister's Baby

August 12, 2015

They say nothing is stronger than the bond of two sisters, but what about that of twin sisters? Just ask identical twins Dawn Ardolino-Policastro and Allison Ardolino Dinkelacker, who have an amazing story to tell.

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Allison Rose Photography

Six years ago, Allison was diagnosed with breast cancer and when the doctor delivered some devastating news, her twin sister came to the rescue.

"Dawn accompanied me to one of my doctor's appointments and as we sat in my oncologist's office and he said to me if you survive this, you will never be able to carry another child," Allison revealed in a Facebook post. "Well before he even finished his sentence Dawn jumped in and said it doesn't matter because I am going to carry their child. You kept that promise through all the devastating highs and lows, but throughout it all, you have been constant in your optimism, support and loving care for us."

twin sisters baby story
Allison Rose Photography

Dawn gave birth to Hudson William earlier this month, but not before the two lovely ladies posed together to commemorate this amazing time in their lives.

Dawn even kept the baby's gender from Allison. This explains the cute snap below.

happy stories
Allison Rose Photography

In the same Faacebook post, Allison went on to thank her sister for the precious gift that she gave her.

"How can we begin to thank you for the tremendous generosity and sacrifice you have so willingly bestowed these last few months? You have given us not just the fulfillment of a wish we've had for the last six years, but a whole new life, and a family of 4 we thought we'd never have."

"We cannot thank you enough for the gift you have given us. Although biologically this child will be made up of the two of us, we certainly hope that the strength, selflessness, and power you have shown are traits that he takes from you during his life. Not many people have the ability to make someone else's dream come true. But you have done so, and with extraordinary thoughtfulness openness and sensitivity."

Sources: EOnline, Fox News, Facebook.

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