Swedish Blood Donors Get A Text Message Every Time Their Blood Is Used To Save A Life

June 24, 2015

In an effort to let blood donors know how much they're appreciated, Sweden's County Council sends donors a personal text message every time their blood is used to help save a life.

blood donors get texts when blood is used

Karolina Blom Wilberg, a communications manager at the Stockholm blood service told The Independent, "We are constantly trying to develop ways to express [donors'] importance. We want to give them feedback on their effort, and we find this is a good way to do that."

"It's a great feeling to know you made such a big difference and maybe even saved someone else's life," said Blom Wiberg. "We get a lot of visibility in social media and traditional media thanks to the SMS. But above all we believe it makes our donors come back to us, and donate again."

In a further attempt to avoid blood-shortage, Sweden shares their current stock levels in hopes it will encourage people to donate.

What an amazing feeling it must be to be going about your day and get a notification that you just helped save someone.

(h/t) Viral Thread.

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