Couple Reveals The Heartwarming Story Behind Their Viral Wedding Photo

May 26, 2015

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Caleb Earwood and his bride Maggie shared a powerful moment minutes before their wedding ceremony last weekend.

The photo (below) went viral after photographer Dwayne Schmidt shared it on his Facebook page, attracting tens of thousands of "likes" and shares.

marine and bride praying
Credit: Dwayne Schmidt

Caleb held Maggie's hand while saying a prayer for their marriage and their lives together, careful not to see her around the doorway before she walked down the aisle.

"We were about to take our first steps in life together, and we didn't want to take a step without it being in God's will," Caleb told Today. "I prayed to God for my beautiful and intelligent wife that he blessed me with and the amazing family I was marrying into."

"I was lucky to witness such a moving moment let alone capture it," photographer Dwayne Schmidt said. "I have been fortunate enough to photograph several weddings, but this is a moment I will remember forever."

marine and bride praying
Credit: Dwayne Schmidt

"We're thankful that our picture is able to bless so many people and touch that many hearts," Caleb added.

Caleb and Maggie, who both grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, were friends in high school. They started dating about two years ago, and haven't left each other's side since.

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