Middle School Basketball Players Walked Off The Court To Defend A Cheerleader Being Bullied

March 11, 2015

Desiree Andrews is a student at Lincoln Middle School in Wisconsin who has Down Syndrome. While cheering for her basketball team on the sidelines, she became the target of harmful comments from the stands.

boys stop game to help bullied cheerleader
screenshot from jrn.com video

Three boys who were playing in the game overheard the comments directed at Desiree. They stopped the game, walked off the court, and took action.

"The kids in the audience were picking on Dee, so we all stepped forward," said player Chase Vazquez (pictured below on the left).

boys stop game to help bullied cheerleader
screenshot from jrn.com video

"It's not fair when other people get treated wrong because we're all the same. We're all created the same. God made us the same way," added player Scooter Terrien.

Now, Desiree never walks to class alone.

boys stop game to help bullied cheerleader
screenshot from jrn.com video

Students have been drawn to her after a situation that could have taken away this pretty smile.

boys stop game to help bullied cheerleader
screenshot from jrn.com video

The last home game on March 9 was played in Desiree's honor, with the boys chanting "Who's house? Dee's house!"

(H/T) BuzzFeed. Read the original report at jrn.com.

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