The Incredible Moment A Massive Bull Rhino Came To The Rescue Of A Zebra Foal

March 2, 2015

When it appeared to be the end of the road for this zebra foal stuck deep in the mud, the most unlikely of heroes came along to help - a massive bull rhino.

rhino saves baby zebra from mud
Roel van Muiden

The rhino came to investigate after hearing the zebra's desperate struggles and cries for help. The mother and herd were nowhere to be found.

rhino saves baby zebra from mud
Roel van Muiden

After a few seconds examining the foal, the rhino used its horn and lifted the zebra out from the thick mud.

rhino saves baby zebra from mud
Roel van Muiden

After helping the foal escape, he dropped the animal and wandered off.

South African photographer Roel van Muiden said the foal's mother "probably knew her child was caught in a hopeless situation and probably had good reason for abandoning it to its fate."

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